Thursday, May 27, 2021

Cole Autumn Chocorua reclining figure blog DRAFT




following in the footsteps of White Mountain artists, in this case Thomas Cole  

the title 

the overall impression wild land 


For more on this item see this link.

then focus on the figure 


some say a self portrait of Cole himself  other say Durer's Melancholia



interesting visual tied to legend associated with the mountain beyond

Cole wrote two versions of the Chocorua legend 

Wadsworth sketch of Chocorua perhaps earliest? 

perhaps this powder horn, Burton Hill

lying down on the job

views and visions 

reality, imagination 

not shackled 

sketch to canvas  

insert about sketch to studio? sketch to canvas


sold for


lying down on the job

views and visions 

reality, imagination 

not shackled 

sketch to canvas  

insert about sketch to studio? sketch to canvas


sold for


then the big rock behind the figure 

could be glacial erratic or ledge, difference is whether matches base rock

common to the White Mountain landscape 


map cartouche show on 1816 Carrigain, map he might have seen

map he did see was this Wadsworth, now in the collection of Albany ...

sound of the water, 

echo very significant in nh, there are two echo lakes, canons used to create echo 

as well as stage coach horns

then the mountain profile in the background 

the tree roots over the rock, the birch bark hanging off the branches 

 trees on rocks, roots holding common feature in the White Mountains 


Then the plant in the foreground, this tells time 

mullein plant can be seen in Bierstadt, Winslow Homer, etc.






sketch to canvas, what Warren Shomaker did  in x year, 2017 Marcia Clarke, Smithsonian Magazine from x date

see pics from that exhibit

currently sale art, online due to pandemic


3 sisters?







following in the footsteps  

previous blog sept 30, 1828 in NH south of Concord,

let's check back with Cole in October  and continue following in his footsteps 

and connecting collections,

this focus on cole's 2nd watercolor, near Tamworth, 

and his Chocorua and brownlow thompson and other chocorua stuff in hhr collection

tie to new stone wall see bcltp pics C:\Users\chino\Pictures\Chocorua pics bcltp\stone wall chocorua

tie terminology to the stone wall books i got from library, in camry?  

and tie to lidar and landscape change, tie to mills?

and near Conway

paintings from the Jack Warner Foundation out of Tuscaloosa Alabama

website here.   

Cole's Autumn Landscape (Chocura) c. 1837 

oil on canvas 29x47 inches 

see details here.

will be on display at the Thomas Cole National Historic Site in Catskill New York 

Cedar Grove, Thomas Cole, Catskill NY in spring 2021 see their website here



Cole Notch update

update tale two paintings here.  from 2015 
email link to 
cedar grove 
franklin kelley nga 
boston mfa 
crystal bridges 

I used material from your online 
ok to use, can change if you want, 

start with compare codman and cole 

in x Bierstadt did basically the same view
insert pic and text on the bierstadt book and its context 

Elephant's Head on the left, we will see views from that short, easy hike to summit 
Bierstadt Gems 
Follow this link here for more images. 

This view now from AMC Highlands pics of 

used to be site of Crawford House 

The above view from elephant head easy hike, looking at Saco Lake, source of the Saco River 

The Notch House, 
show detail of cole notch house compare with this photo by Bemis private collection (Lundberg) illustrated in x, y, z

painted and in prints

 Frank Shapleigh 1879
when did it burn? 

other Bemis photos of the barn, etc. 

The gate 
add Quincy from Crystal Bridges here

widened by the railroad 


p. 87 chs pc 
C:\Users\Chinook Dog\Pictures\010 wma to sort print and find follow footsteps\Wadsworth pictures wma\Sketchbook wadsworth 
ck email for details conditions 

